Your Lead, Love, Leap journey starts here

Is it your time to up-level your brave?

Get ready to ROAR!

The Reset & Roar Mentoring Membership

First RESET.

Second ROAR.

Set backs are temporary.

Self-Love is a practice.

Dream Chasing is real.

Action is what it takes.

Live the life you want without killing yourself and your relationships in the process (unless the relationship has to go.)

Raise your year to new heights with twelve monthly RESET practices and ACTION focused challenges to make you ROAR!


60 Day Meditation Challenge 

Based on scientific research meditating for as little as 10 minutes, 3 times a day for 5 days a week has the capacity to reverse the ageing process and change your DNA in just 60 days.

More curious are the changes that occur in just four days of practice.

More calm, lowering of blood pressure, cortisol levels and more.

You may be thinking if it was this simple why isn't every single person on the planet meditating?

This is where the 60 Day Meditation Challenge comes into focus.

Cultivating a new habit takes more than wishing it to be so.

It takes intention, commitment to prioritising our wellbeing and showing up day in, day out to do the work.

The power of the 60 Day Meditation Challenge takes the guess work and overwhelm out of the process from day one.  Upon signing up, a once only payment you have full access to the 60 days of meditations and my personal meditation library with over 150 guided meditations recorded by me.


Life Edit, Life Design 

Everything you need to edit all that exhausts, bankrupts joy and holds you back. Boldly and bravely forge your own path to design your most inspired and intentional life. Get deliberate about your life! Look back over the last 12 months and identify the things that nourish and deplete you. Visit your heart's desires for all things health, self-love, work, relationships and projects you are working towards. Learn practical strategies and action steps to bring your aspirational life into reality. Get clear on what you stand for, map your life values, explore questions to guide your path and realise your very own life vision. Create a customised vision board and power word to make it happen!



Love Yourself UP E-Book Bundle

Complete with 30 strategies to love yourself up

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